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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

We spent two days in Toronto roaming around in the Kensington market and China town areas on the first day.  We had a cool veggie tamales that were cheap and yummy.  Margaux spent all of her christmas money at the ART museum with fun gifts for her family while I browsed. We also had Frites from Moos that are highly recommended.  Next up we spent the night at Emma's a couchsurfing host that I swear is the spitting image of Michelle Williams, cute blonde from Shutter Island fame. The next day hanging out with Florian and Carlos was fun as they had places they wanted to see also, like the CN Tower and the harbor views, which were great at sunset.  All and all an amazing two days.

Exploring a Small Ontario Town

A few weeks ago we decided to wander the town to see exactly what was going on.  Sadly a lot of the shops close early, we knew that, and there was minimal to behold but we had fun anyway, as you can see in the video.  We were entertained by squirrels and a man with a harmonica, but who is to say what is entertaining, right? No worries though the amazing St. Lawrence river was a sight to behold.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Another fun day near Quebec, this time with a mutual friend of mine and Stephanie's, Natalie.  We met up hung out near ...hmmm not sure exactly but there was big ships and a great view of the St. Lawrence river.  Afterward we went shopping for groceries for brunch then headed to Natalie's for food and conversation for hours.  A fun day all around.  In the video I try to cover up the sounds from the radio with other music that was our driving soundtrack, I think it works out fairly well, Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Bonjour from Quebec

This is a bit more not mentioned in the video. I arrived in Canada  on Thursday.  Besides for the confusion caused by my American money at Walmart things here have been going great.  My friend, picked me up at the Walmart in Magog and took me into her home.  I wanted to post what was going on but there is not a lot to share we have been like family getting along just fine.  Her daughter has allowed me to use her room which was very nice of her, I enjoy having a bit of my own space even if its borrowed.  The Halloween night out was fun at Stephanie's favorite bar and then off to McDonalds for after hours chatting. I am a bit fascinated by the similar culture here, but we are people after all.  I will update again soon.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Oh this is so beautiful it is from EtheralVistas Tumblr
I have seen beautiful scenery but this takes my breath away.
I had to share it.  It also reminds me of the red I want to 
add to my hair using the hibiscus. LOL


The road between dream and life (Turkey) by 

Zeki Seferoglu |


So beautiful

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Gardening Adventures

I have to tell you all about my first gardening experience.  It has been several years since I wanted to put my hands in the dirt to make something pretty grow.  I finally had my chance to get outside and play in the soil.
Well, let me just say I felt like a bear in Hawaii, with no idea where to start.  Luckily the gardener was helping me as she showed me how to cut the big roots sticking out of the ground, who knew right.  I haven't actually ever been real close to outside dirt before.  I was on my knees cutting and I saw little ants and worms minding their business, it was pretty cool to me, you know life in action.
Wait I have played in the dirt before, near my house was a park and I volunteered to do some planting of trees with some other people about two years ago.  Yes, that was fun, it was something to do with a rain garden, I think.
Back to yesterday, after a few minutes she called me over to show me how to plant some flowers in the ground.  There was a former arrangement that we had to alter, which involved taking up some of the walking path and adding the flowers in the same place.  It was pretty easy but I never realized how heavy a shovel could be, I had to get used to the weight of it but after a few minutes I felt like a pro.
Near the back side of the house where I saw the ants we added seeds for grass to grow up in the spot that now is just dirt.  Unfortunately, the watering information didn't get to the owner of the house here but I was able to try to make up for it by watering later in the day.
Today I feel stiff after the bending and stretching yesterday but its a good aching because I know I didn't something I had not done before that was fun for me as well as helpful.
Tomorrow I will take a picture when the sun is out to add to this post.  There isn't much to see from my efforts yet but the former helpers made a cool little garden that I can show off that meanders near the path.

Thanks for reading.

These are the garden images I promised.  It was shady outside so I took pictures by sections.  

I planted two of those daisies on the right side :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

ALL NAPTURAL: Protecting Your Hair from the Summer Heat

ALL NAPTURAL: Protecting Your Hair from the Summer Heat: Hey everyone, Check out my latest article on the - Info 101: How Can I Protect My Hair in the Summer? It

Awesome information as usual and I had to tell you guess who is on this platform now, well its me,    I am trying to decide which I like best for my future domain :) Talk to you real soon.

Just a Note

Just a Note:

Now the reason all the posts are showing up for the same day, is I am trying to find a home for this blog.  I started on wordpress repurposing my images blog, now I am considering this blogspot, we will see.  I actually wanted to have a chance for people to discovery my photography at wordpress but it might distract from the whole Travel blog mentality in one way because most are local photographics but a few are from my trip to California.  check it out if you want to see those images !! 

The What When Why of it All!

I thought it was time to seat down and write why I am going on these adventures.  Actually its very simple, I have always been a bit of a rebel, a person prone to random ideas and actions that others might not see as normal.  You know the type: the hippies, the revolutionaries, the ones that actually change the world with their open minded thinking and sometimes well... you get the point.  My way of being was just me being authentic, it wasn't always acceptable to others but when I was allowed within society to Express, I felt more whole.
I wish I knew when it all started but I believe it began several lifetimes ago or possibly the essence of the Atlantean that I am, surely cries out to blossom fully on this earth.  Some don't believe in reincarnation but I can NOT believe in it.  The urge, the desire, the inclination is too strong in me not to realize that something pushes me from a sometimes, undeniably strong intense source.  I will call it SOURCE, one connection oneNESS.  It whispers, it's okay be fearless, "I got you."
My journey now is directly related to my current philosophy of life. I have gone the gamet from Religious to lightworker, turned around, circled back on the path to what I think is the darkness before the dawn for me and all others that are wearing the skin of humans, the earth suits.
I know this wasn't what you expected from my actual travel blog introduction, but I am just doing the typing my mind is busy sending the signals to my fingers.  I couldn't stop if I wanted.
All the time I have spent researching how life is connected to the earth, how earth is connected to the universe, how we were created, why any being outside of us would bother to create us then leave us on our own, are we living in our minds, what are are holographics, is this a multidimensional reality, is CERN opening the pit to hell, and so much more.  How important was all of that to me in this moment, it turns out those questions open one's mind to possibilities outside the illusion that is so firmly pulled over our very minds/eyes.
Searching, seeing, being open to explore is where my path is leading me.  It is an interesting yet joyful ride.  Some well, many do now understand, but how they ask? You don't have a job.  Or why now and be safe, as if!!  Others are more calm and see the desire that is so strong, and any having known me at all accept it as the inevitable release that has been needed for years.  Bravo they say, just take notes, I want to be there in spirit with you as you follows those dreams "girl".  See the states, see Europe, see the World, I move forward one step at a time.
Admittedly this wasn't what I had planned to write either but, inspiration happens.  I do plan to share actual fun facts, locations and fond memories along the way, be patient with me, it will come in due time.
Thanks for reading.

Travel Blog #1 Interviews

This is my first set of interviews from my travels, from time to time I might run into some others who are having similar experiences that might like to share.  This group of people were very welcoming and kind to me, please comment and share the video.  Thanks.

Rene's Travels have Begun

The first of my travel blogs is here, the travel section will be added later. I have considered because of time restrictions on you tube I will do one vlog for hair and others for locales, interviews etc.  This first video you will see is all about my hair and the hopes of traveling and talking about how learn to deal with curly hair situations. 
Thanks for watching!